All CMPC precast concrete products can be installed on site with minimal construction waste. There is no need to wait for concrete or mortar to cure at the job site as all CMPC precast concrete products are produced at our very own spacious casting yard.

The precast concrete products are designed for easy installation on site (if any). Contractors and workers who are familiar with precast concrete products often do not find difficulty in handling the products.

It’s about quality at CMPC

We strive to be the industry’s preferred precast concrete producer and the company only produces high quality precast concrete products at its casting yard.

All our products are made in a controlled environment where quality and uniformity are guaranteed. Variables affecting quality which are commonly found on a job site such as temperature, curing conditions, material quality and craftsmanship are nearly eliminated at our casting yard.

They’re sustainable too

At the casting yard, special formworks or moulds are used and this significantly reduces amount of construction waste that would otherwise generated on the job site.

There is also significant reduction in truck traffic, dust, noise and debris from formwork associated with poured-in-place products as all CMPC precast concrete products are delivered on demand.

The modular shape of the precast concrete products will help to reduce constructions time and energy usage and generate lesser emissions from on-site equipment.

Features of CMPC Precast Concrete Products

Ecofriendly_materialsEco-friendly materials

Suitable_replacement_for_conventional_castinsitu_manholeSuitable replacement for conventional cast-in-situ manhole

save_cost_and_time1Great cost and time savings

Good_quality_control_with_minimum_formwork_and_manpowerGood quality control with minimum formwork and manpower

High_quality_finishes2High quality finishes

Easy_installation_with_minimal_interruption_to_traffic_flowEasy installation with minimal interruption to traffic flow

Efficient_loading_accesseditEfficient loading access capacity

Minimal_construction_wasteMinimal construction waste